Norman Peterson (1928-2012)
In 1956 Norman Peterson received a degree in economics from Lewis Clark College. After serving in the US Army, Norm worked for Sears for 27 years. In the mid 1970’s he decided to re-educate himself and start a new career.
Norm earned a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® (CFP®) designation and an IRS designation as an Enrolled Agent (EA) and opened Financial Planning Unlimited, Inc. in 1981. He was active in the business working alongside Jeff Peterson before retiring in 2010.
Norm loved to dance, cruise, adventure travel, and work with his clients who became friends. Through the years he earned dozens of accolades. He was a wonderful husband to Betty Peterson in their 52 years of marriage and was a great father to Jeff and Greg. His caring, happy countenance and great smile are greatly missed.